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Medical Billing for Dental 5 Part Series: Part 2

Hey there, dental superheroes! Welcome to part two of Dentistry Support's free training series on medical billing for dental procedures. In part one, we covered the foundation of medical billing, including the differences between ICD-10, CPT, and ADA codes. Now, it's time to dive into the importance of having a medical billing software for dental offices.

At Dentistry Support, we understand the importance of having a streamlined process for medical billing. That's why we offer a free medical billing software for our clients who are enrolled in our support. On average, third-party companies charge $250+ per month for their software, but we provide it to our clients for free.

Our software allows us to track claims in real-time, including claim submission and adjudication information.

This means that we can quickly identify any issues with claims and resolve them in a timely manner. With our software, dental offices can have a seamless medical billing process and avoid any delays or denials of claims.

While having a medical billing software is incredible for this process, it's important to note that it won't guarantee payment or the success of your practice. That's why Dentistry Support is here to offer our expertise and support in understanding medical billing terminology, navigating the insurance maze, and helping

you learn to ensure that you're getting paid for the services you provide.

Moving on to eligibility verification, it's crucial to understand that it requires a diagnosis and procedure codes that are determined after an exam and radiographs are completed.

Unlike dental insurance, there is typically no advanced eligibility or pre-designed breakdown of benefits for dental patients using medical insurance.

At Dentistry Support, we provide a custom-designed portal accessible by the dental office to submit verification requests. Eligibility verification is submitted by the office to Dentistry Support and completed within 24-48 hours, depending on the dental insurance company. Typically, there are five or fewer codes for each eligibility verification completed.


In addition to understanding eligibility verification, it's important to know the dos and don'ts of medical billing. For instance, do make sure you're using the correct codes and submitting clean claims. Don't upcode or miscode claims. Here are a few "Make sure you don'ts".

Make sure you don't...

Bill for non-covered services

Fail to properly document procedures

Submit inaccurate or incomplete claims

Forget to verify coverage for diagnosed procedures prior to sending the claim

Use incorrect billing codes for procedures performed

Submit claims outside of the timely filing period

Fail to properly identify the primary payer

Forget about claim follow up limits

Bill for services not related to a medical condition

Forget to properly document medical necessity

Forget to keep up with changes in medical insurance policies

Fail to collect co-payments, deductibles, or co-insurance

Forget to properly handle coordination of benefits

Fail to appeal denied claims

Thanks for joining us for part two of our medical billing training series. Stay tuned for part three where we'll cover the importance of documentation and how it impacts your medical billing success. Remember, while understanding medical billing is the foundation to success, it does not guarantee payment or success of your practice. But you can lean on Dentistry Support for support in understanding medical billing terminology and software.


Dentistry Support ® provides remote support for dental offices nationwide. We serve the needs of any size dental office including those with Spanish-speaking needs on both the east and west coasts of the United States of America. Learn more.


To learn more about Sarah Beth Herman, the author of all free training content you can read her bio here. These materials are intended to provide helpful information to dentists and dental team members. They are in no way a substitute for actual professional advice based on your unique facts and circumstances. This content is not intended or offered, nor should it be taken, as legal or other professional advice. You should always consult with your own professional advisors (e.g. attorney, accountant, or insurance carrier). To the extent, Dentistry Support ®has included links to any third-party website (s), Dentistry Support ® intends no endorsement of their content and implies no affiliation with the organizations that provide their content. Further, Dentistry Support ® makes no representations or warranties about the information provided on those sites. You can view our privacy policy and terms and conditions by clicking those pages in the footer of our website.

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Part 2: Importance of having a medical billing software for dental offices


Apheng Bitos
Apheng Bitos
Apr 11, 2023

thank you for sharing!


Apr 05, 2023

Wow! That's some amazing informations!


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